Finally, home at my computer once again, just in time to choose my winners for the November contest. Apologies for taking so long, but it was a week ago today that my husband had a fairly serious surgery and it's been a very busy few days.
Serious in that he can't walk until his foot heals--which will be many months--and this is a guy always in motion. So, he's zipping around the house with a knee scooter and driving me nuts, but at least he sailed through the operation with ease and is recovering a lot faster than I expected he would.
So, I ended up choosing two winners from the US and two from my international entries, and wouldn't you know it, a couple of Aussies are getting copies of DARK REFUGE. Congrats to both Donna and Pam in Australia, as well as Laura and Kim in the US, who should also have their copies by now. Since I know there are a lot of Lauras and Kims out there here in the states, if you check your email and find a copy of the book from me, you'll know you're a winner.
On that note, I'm off to rake leaves before we drown in masses of red and gold. Hope the holidays are wonderful in your household. I honestly don't know if I'll have time for a newsletter later this month. I'll send an email out to all who are subscribers to let you know. Take care, be well, and stay safe,