The complete Wolf Tales series
(and the order in which to read them)
PLEASE NOTE--the Wolf Tales 1.5, 2.5, etc. titles are the SAME novellas that appeared in the Sexy Beast/Wild Nights anthologies.
They are an important part of the story arc--if you miss any of them, you will feel a bit lost in later novels.
Kensington released them separately a few years ago for readers
who did not want to purchase the entire anthologies.
Chanku 1st generation:
Wolf Tales
Sexy Beast—Chanku Rising/or Wolf Tales 1.5 Chanku Rising
Wolf Tales II
Wild Nights—Camille’s Dawn / or Wolf Tales 2.5 Chanku Dawn
Wolf Tales III
Sexy Beast II—Chanku Fallen / or Wolf Tales 3.5 Chanku Fallen
Wolf Tales IV
Sexy Beast III—Chanku Journey / or Wolf Tales 4.5 Chanku Journey
Wolf Tales V
Sexy Beast IV—Chanku Destiny / or Wolf Tales 5.5 Chanku Destiny
Wolf Tales VI
Sexy Beast V—Chanku Wild / or Wolf Tales 6.5 Chanku Wild
Wolf Tales VII
Sexy Beast VI--Chanku Honor / or Wolf Tales 7.5 Chanku Honor
Wolf Tales VIII
Sexy Beast VII--Chanku Challenge /or Wolf Tales 8.5 Chanku Challenge
Wolf Tales 9
Sexy Beast VIII--Chanku Spirit /or Wolf Tales 9.5 Chanku Spirit
Wolf Tales 10 re-released as Wolf Tales 10--Adam
Wolf Tales 11
Wolf Tales 12
Spirit Wild: Chanku 2nd Generation
Dark Wolf
Dark Spirit
Dark Moon
Dark Refuge
Dark Terror
Dark Captive
Dark Stranger