This is the corner of my office where I spend most of my time. I'm a clutterer by nature. I'm happiest when I'm surrounded by my favorite books and my nest is just neat enough to find things, but not so clean that I feel like it's not mine anymore. And yes, on occasion I actually get it that clean, but it never lasts.
I decided to add a page to keep up with my current projects including upcoming appearances. I sit in that chair to write, sometimes hours at a time. I have to remember to get up and walk around or my butt gets numb. Rufus is right there with me. If I wander out to the kitchen to look for something to munch on, or go to my husband's workshop to check on him, Rufus, growls. I'm not supposed to leave. I'm supposed to be writing.
I need to change this--Rufus died Christmas 2015. He'd been steadily failing and finally had a stroke and couldn't walk. It was a very sad trip to the emergency vet to let him go, but it was time. He was almost 19.
I decided to add a page to keep up with my current projects including upcoming appearances. I sit in that chair to write, sometimes hours at a time. I have to remember to get up and walk around or my butt gets numb. Rufus is right there with me. If I wander out to the kitchen to look for something to munch on, or go to my husband's workshop to check on him, Rufus, growls. I'm not supposed to leave. I'm supposed to be writing.
I need to change this--Rufus died Christmas 2015. He'd been steadily failing and finally had a stroke and couldn't walk. It was a very sad trip to the emergency vet to let him go, but it was time. He was almost 19.
July 18, 2017 Well, this is embarrassing! It's been seven months, almost to the day, since I updated what's going on in my world! I've been writing. A lot, but after a very long dry spell when, for the first time my words weren't there when I needed them, it feels good to say that not only am I writing but I'm enjoying it again. Dark Terror released in April, and it appears my next book in the Spirit Wild series, Dark Captive, will be out around the same time in 2018. Those aren't my only books, though, as I've got the three newest Wolf Tales to re-release in August, October, and January. (That's Wolf Tales 10, 11, and 12) I've also got the three stories of my St. Martin's Press Feral Passions series coming out in November, December, and January.
I'm packing for the annual RWA Conference, which is in Orlando, Florida next week, and getting entries in my current newsletter contest filed so I can choose a couple of winners on Friday, so essentially it's business as usual.
I'm packing for the annual RWA Conference, which is in Orlando, Florida next week, and getting entries in my current newsletter contest filed so I can choose a couple of winners on Friday, so essentially it's business as usual.
January 19, 2017 It's been a busy week. Dark Terror is still with my Beta readers and they're good! It's been wet and rainy so I've had no reason to go outdoors, which means I'm getting to the edits from the betas as they come in, and will be sending the book to my editor as soon as it's ready for him. I don't expect him to get to it right away--my fault, as I was on his schedule months ago and the book wasn't done. I had a new release on Tuesday when Claimed by the Mate Vol. 3 released with Dangerous Passions. My final release with St. Martin's Press will be in May when Dangerous Passions comes out in print in the HUNGER anthology, and that will be the end of my writing for SMP. I'm going to miss my editor, but not the NY publishing scene, at least not for a while. I'm looking forward to publishing books on my own.
January 5, 2017 Almost a year since I've even looked at this page. Last year was tough. I ended up with my first case of writers block ever, and the book that I started in May 2016, Dark Terror, the fifth in my Spirit Wild series, wasn't finished until today. I do hope you like it. Once I got back into my Chanku world, I realized that I need a break from NY publishing and time to write the stories I want to write. I really missed my Chanku. Finishing the book today left me smiling because the story let me bring back a lot of the older characters who, becasue they're almost immortal, are still just as hot as they were in the Wolf Tales series. I hope you like it. Next project will be re-releasing Wolf Tales 10, 11, and 12. I have rights back on those, and want to get them up asap.
After that, I want to get the Dream Catchers series up, and then probably my DemonSlayers, the four book series from Kensington Zebra. I've also got my Ellora's Cave titles to bring back out--I'd actually forgotten about some of those. Be patient! I want them back up even more than you do!
I'll try and get a newsletter up shortly. We've had family in town for the past two weeks, and it's been fun to see everyone, but the party's over and it's time to get back to work.
March 5, 2016 I had the best of intentions of keeping up on this a bit better, but life has just buried me this past few months. The trip to Hawaii for Thanksgiving and a book signing in Honolulu for INTIMATE, my first book in the romantic suspense series for St. Martin's Press went well, but a week after we got home, Rufus died. He was 19 years old, and the house sure seems empty without him. A week later I ended up in the ER with an ulcer and I'm still coming back from that. Oh, and the flu...got that a week ago and still sound like a kid with croup. Needless to say, it's not been easy, but I finished writing AWAKENED, the final book in the RS series before leaving for Hawaii, and just finished page proofs yesterday for the book. It's a good book, and I'm really proud of how the series ties up.
I finished writing Dangerous Passions, the third and final story for my Feral Passions series last week, that is, unless SMP wants more. I haven't sent in a proposal yet, for that or a new romantic suspense series, though I've got ideas. (I've always got ideas!)
I spent all day today updating my website. Since I last wrote in here, I've had four books release as well as getting release dates on more of my stories. I'm also hoping to get a newsletter up in a couple of days. Right now it's raining outside, and I'm thinking of pouring a glass of wine and heading out in the front room--away from my computer--or some time out.
I'm getting ready to start writing my next Spirit Wild story. I've really missed my Chanku!
After that, I want to get the Dream Catchers series up, and then probably my DemonSlayers, the four book series from Kensington Zebra. I've also got my Ellora's Cave titles to bring back out--I'd actually forgotten about some of those. Be patient! I want them back up even more than you do!
I'll try and get a newsletter up shortly. We've had family in town for the past two weeks, and it's been fun to see everyone, but the party's over and it's time to get back to work.
March 5, 2016 I had the best of intentions of keeping up on this a bit better, but life has just buried me this past few months. The trip to Hawaii for Thanksgiving and a book signing in Honolulu for INTIMATE, my first book in the romantic suspense series for St. Martin's Press went well, but a week after we got home, Rufus died. He was 19 years old, and the house sure seems empty without him. A week later I ended up in the ER with an ulcer and I'm still coming back from that. Oh, and the flu...got that a week ago and still sound like a kid with croup. Needless to say, it's not been easy, but I finished writing AWAKENED, the final book in the RS series before leaving for Hawaii, and just finished page proofs yesterday for the book. It's a good book, and I'm really proud of how the series ties up.
I finished writing Dangerous Passions, the third and final story for my Feral Passions series last week, that is, unless SMP wants more. I haven't sent in a proposal yet, for that or a new romantic suspense series, though I've got ideas. (I've always got ideas!)
I spent all day today updating my website. Since I last wrote in here, I've had four books release as well as getting release dates on more of my stories. I'm also hoping to get a newsletter up in a couple of days. Right now it's raining outside, and I'm thinking of pouring a glass of wine and heading out in the front room--away from my computer--or some time out.
I'm getting ready to start writing my next Spirit Wild story. I've really missed my Chanku!
November 12, 2015 I finally finished the second in my Feral Passions series for St. Martin's, six weeks late (aaaarrrggghhh!) and my editor did a 24 hour turn-around and got it back to me for edits. She's pretty amazing--her edits were spot on and she showed me a great way to cut the extra 4000 words w/o losing any story. Dumped a couple of characters we didn't really need, and it's a much better read. The title is Wild Passions, and it takes place at the Feral Passions Resort in northern California. My werewolves are finding mates and there are only two unattached guys left. Still not quite sure how it's all going to work out in the third book, but something will come to me!
I've got a release date for AWAKENED, the third and final story in my Intimate Relations series--it will be out June 28, 2016. I'm thrilled with the way this one ties up the overall story arc--it just works, and I absolutely loved Marcus Reed by the time I got to his story. It ends well and even left me smiling.
For now I intend to take a few days off and catch up around the house, then I want to write the third Feral Passions story so I can get back to my Chanku with a clean slate. I miss those guys! Wish me luck...
I've got a release date for AWAKENED, the third and final story in my Intimate Relations series--it will be out June 28, 2016. I'm thrilled with the way this one ties up the overall story arc--it just works, and I absolutely loved Marcus Reed by the time I got to his story. It ends well and even left me smiling.
For now I intend to take a few days off and catch up around the house, then I want to write the third Feral Passions story so I can get back to my Chanku with a clean slate. I miss those guys! Wish me luck...
September 19, 2015 And yet another summer has passed, so quickly I can hardly recall what all I've been doing--other than writing. I have finally come to the conclusion that I seriously overbooked this past year, with six books contracted as well as a novella that released in May in the Hot Alphas anthology. My intentions to have at least one more Spirit Wild finished for readers have fallen by the wayside, not intentionally, but because I had so many stories contracted that have all taken me longer to write than usual. I promise that those are next on my list! I miss my Chanku world with a truly visceral sense of loss. I've gotten so attached to the characters that I really want to dive into their stories and not come up for a long, long time. Wish me luck!
Claimed by the Mate with my first in the Feral Passions erotic werewolf series released September 15, and I'm writing the next one now. Hope to have it finished in a few more weeks, and then there's one more before I'm done. Out of contract and hopefully able to get back to my sexy wolves. I do have one exciting thing coming up--a trip to Oahu to see our son and his family for Thanksgiving and a book signing at the Barnes & Noble in the Ala Moana Mall in Honolulu. If you live in Hawaii or plan to be there on vacation, I hope you can stop by. Details are on my connect page.
June 1, 2015 I didn't intend to miss May altogether--at least I did get my newsletter out, but nothing added here until now. I finished the second pass of edits on REDEMPTION just this weekend, and had the final version approved by my editor today. Edits on this book went a lot easier than for INTIMATE, and I really enjoyed the process of seeing it all come together into something I'm really proud of. The cover reveal for REDEMPTION was last week, so I was able to get an excerpt up with the first chapter. There's a problem, though, if you have an issue with spoilers--INTIMATE comes out December 1 and REDEMPTION December 29, but if you read the excerpt now for REDEMPTION, there are spoilers in it. Just a fair warning...
I'm currently working on AWAKENED, the third and final story in the series, and as soon as it's done, I'll get the next Spirit Wild going. I'm sorry it's taken me so long, but I've been buried with stories for St. Martin's Press, and, for what it's worth, I've been thoroughly enjoying the whole process writing romantic suspense for a change. But, I really do miss my Chanku, and I'll definitely be ready for a bit of Anton and pack by the time I finish this book.
Claimed by the Mate with my first in the Feral Passions erotic werewolf series released September 15, and I'm writing the next one now. Hope to have it finished in a few more weeks, and then there's one more before I'm done. Out of contract and hopefully able to get back to my sexy wolves. I do have one exciting thing coming up--a trip to Oahu to see our son and his family for Thanksgiving and a book signing at the Barnes & Noble in the Ala Moana Mall in Honolulu. If you live in Hawaii or plan to be there on vacation, I hope you can stop by. Details are on my connect page.
June 1, 2015 I didn't intend to miss May altogether--at least I did get my newsletter out, but nothing added here until now. I finished the second pass of edits on REDEMPTION just this weekend, and had the final version approved by my editor today. Edits on this book went a lot easier than for INTIMATE, and I really enjoyed the process of seeing it all come together into something I'm really proud of. The cover reveal for REDEMPTION was last week, so I was able to get an excerpt up with the first chapter. There's a problem, though, if you have an issue with spoilers--INTIMATE comes out December 1 and REDEMPTION December 29, but if you read the excerpt now for REDEMPTION, there are spoilers in it. Just a fair warning...
I'm currently working on AWAKENED, the third and final story in the series, and as soon as it's done, I'll get the next Spirit Wild going. I'm sorry it's taken me so long, but I've been buried with stories for St. Martin's Press, and, for what it's worth, I've been thoroughly enjoying the whole process writing romantic suspense for a change. But, I really do miss my Chanku, and I'll definitely be ready for a bit of Anton and pack by the time I finish this book.
April 30, 2015 It's been a crazy busy month. Finished FERAL PASSIONS and then did a quick round of edits on that one--it's due to release September 15--and then got to edits for REDEMPTION which had actually arrived ahead of the Feral Passions edits, but everything with traditional publishing revolves around long-term schedules, so did those after the FP edits. Sent them off to my editor last night. Last week was the cover reveal for FERAL PASSIONS and today was the cover reveal for INTIMATE, which comes out December 1. I hope to get excerpts posted as soon as they're released from St. Martin's Press, and will post on Facebook and Twitter. I'll be choosing my April newsletter contest winners tomorrow (I KNOW it's May 1st...it's been a crazy-busy month!) and just wanted to let you know why I'm not participating online as much as I usually do. Haven't figured out how to get my books to write themselves...
April 7, 2015 Hard to believe it's April already, but the best thing about today is that it's been raining off and on since last night, and we're in such a horrible drought that I swear I can hear my plants laughing for joy! I managed to get in a run this afternoon and got inside just as the heaven's opened up--again--but it actually felt good to get rained on, too. I'm almost done with Feral Passions, the first story in my werewolf series for St. Martin's Press. A couple more days and then I'll send it to my beta readers, but at least it's coming along.
March 9, 2015 I signed contracts last week for a new erotic paranormal werewolf series for St. Martin's Press, and I've started work on the first of three books. This one is called FERAL PASSIONS, and I do think it's going to be fun. My editor signed off on the revisions for INTIMATE, and now I'm waiting to hear what she thinks of REDEMPTION, the second book in the romantic suspense series.
February 17, 2015 I finally sent my revised manuscript for INTIMATE to my editor last night. I thought I'd take today off, but got up this morning to an email from that same editor wanting information on the new erotic paranormal werewolf series I'm doing for St. Martin's Press. Can't say too much about it yet, but this is the short blurb I sent to her this morning:
"What better place for an adventurous woman to explore her wild side than a luxurious resort in northern California’s beautiful Trinity Alps? Especially when that resort is run by sexy werewolves looking for mates—Feral Passions Resort, where all your fantasies come true."
"What better place for an adventurous woman to explore her wild side than a luxurious resort in northern California’s beautiful Trinity Alps? Especially when that resort is run by sexy werewolves looking for mates—Feral Passions Resort, where all your fantasies come true."
As soon as I finish the first of the werewolf stories, I'll need to get the third story in the romantic suspense series done, and then I can finally write the next Spirit Wild story. I apologize for taking so long, but I really have to do contracted work first. Please don't give up on me!
Hoping to get my newsletter--and a contest!--out on Thursday.
Hoping to get my newsletter--and a contest!--out on Thursday.
January 19, 2015 Still working on edits for INTIMATE. It's a bigger job than I expected, but hopefully the book will be even better. At least that's the plan! I'm anxious to see how it turns out with all the changes my editor has asked for. One can only hope! The hardest part is staying inside to work--while much of the nation is buried in snow, we're seeing temps in the mid to high sixties. Our plants are so confused they think it's Spring! I'm limiting myself to an hour a day for doing my three mile run/walk. The process seems to work--I run until it hurts and walk until it stops, and then I run again. The goal is to one day be able to run a full mile without keeling over...right now my best is a quarter mile, which is about the distance of the high school track. I was a lot better at this in high school...
January 8, 2015 I'm getting ready to choose a winner for my January newsletter, which actually went out on time. My goal this year is to get them published by the first week of the month. We'll see how long that's going to last! I'm busy working on edits for INTIMATE, and thinking about the next Spirit Wild story. I've been rereading the books and have realized how much I miss working in my Chanku world. It's fun to spend time with characters who have become so real to me over the course of writing their stories. This job is just way too much fun.
December 4, 2014 Sorry there wasn't a newsletter in November, but I was crazy busy. However, I managed to finish REDEMPTION before Thanksgiving, which was my goal, and I'm absolutely thrilled with the way the book turned out. I think readers are going to love my misbegotten older brother Ben. He was introduced in INTIMATE, the first in my romantic suspense series, and there was absolutely nothing at all to like about the guy...amazing what the love of a good woman can accomplish! Anyway, I'm hoping to get a newsletter out before Christmas, depending on time issues--I had some minor surgery yesterday and it's going to take a few days before I feel like handling the influx of mail that a newsletter and contest generate. My next goal is to read through my first four Spirit Wild stories and find out who's clamoring for a new story--I really want to write one asap, but it takes going back to those books and immersing myself in the world of the Chanku once again. I miss them--especially Anton. He drives me nuts, but he's definitely my muse in these stories.
We've had some good, hard rain here in drought-stricken California, and have to say that even the flooding around the state has to be worth it--of course I can say that now because the Russian River is staying between the banks. My tune may change.
We've had some good, hard rain here in drought-stricken California, and have to say that even the flooding around the state has to be worth it--of course I can say that now because the Russian River is staying between the banks. My tune may change.
October 23, 2014 Close to the halfway point on Redemption, and this one is taking some very strange twists and turns. I love this part of writing, where you're thinking one thing is going to happen, and all of a sudden it's something else entirely. I am taking breaks to watch the Giants in the World Series, which has been a nice break, since writing has been really intense. I'm all healed up from my surgery--Rufus is still limping, but getting stronger all the time. I hope to get a newsletter out later, hopefully on the weekend.
October 4, 2014 Rufus and I are both in recovery this week. He's almost healed from knee surgery, and I had oral surgery yesterday. I don't feel as awful as I expected, which is a good thing, because I've got a great imagination and always expect the worst possible outcome on anything that requires scalpels and stitches. I will survive. I can't talk for 48 more hours. I think my husband is ecstatic...I'm working on Redemption, though the SF Giants are in the playoffs and I'm enough of a fan that the lure is often stronger than my will to ignore it. Especially when I'm recovering, right? I should be allowed to watch the game. I can hear it--husband has it on very quietly in the next room. Just not quietly enough...
September 26, 2014 There's a very good reason it's been a while since I've posted anything here...I bought a new computer, a MacBook Pro, after years with Microsoft products. It took me over a month before I was at all comfortable enough to actually get back to writing, so I'm really behind on things, though I'm finally working on Redemption, the second novel in my new series with St. Martin's Press. And, today I finally posted an excerpt of my novella from the new Hot Alphas anthology coming out in May. You can read an excerpt here! Hope you like it!!!
August 18, 2014 Conferences are over for the year. Spent a week in San Antonio, TX at RWA, met my new SMP editor, Eileen Rothschild, and I really like her! Also attended some marketing stuff with the team from SMP--very impressed with their plans--and got together with my Kensington editor's assistant, who is now a full-fledged editor. Martin Biro is absolutely wonderful, and while I'm excited about my move to a new publisher, I'm really sorry I won't be working with him. He's editing and also handling Kensington's expanding epublishing line. I wish him all the best--and hope we can continue to get together at cons whenever possible. I made such good friends at Kensington all through the publication of Wolf Tales, Dream Catchers, DemonSlayers and on to Spirit Wild. It's a terrific publishing house, and was a perfect place, not only to launch Wolf Tales and the Aphrodisia imprint, but my leap into traditional publishing as well.
A week after RWA, I was in Charlotte, NC for a full week, and a totally different kind of conference. This one is all about the fans, and I had such fun getting to know so many readers. Definitely enjoyable, but I was running on empty before the week was over. Still, my trip was definitely worth wanting to sleep for a week when I got home.
INTIMATE is with my editor and I'm getting ready to start REDEMPTION, the next in the series, but first I need a new computer. This one has lasted longer than most of my laptops--going on three years now--but I'm tired of wearing them out so quickly, and plan to shop for a Mac today. Wish me luck--just thinking of the learning curve had me awake half the night! I'm not going to do a newsletter until I'm more comfortable with the new machine--probably next week. I hope.
A week after RWA, I was in Charlotte, NC for a full week, and a totally different kind of conference. This one is all about the fans, and I had such fun getting to know so many readers. Definitely enjoyable, but I was running on empty before the week was over. Still, my trip was definitely worth wanting to sleep for a week when I got home.
INTIMATE is with my editor and I'm getting ready to start REDEMPTION, the next in the series, but first I need a new computer. This one has lasted longer than most of my laptops--going on three years now--but I'm tired of wearing them out so quickly, and plan to shop for a Mac today. Wish me luck--just thinking of the learning curve had me awake half the night! I'm not going to do a newsletter until I'm more comfortable with the new machine--probably next week. I hope.
July 21, 2014 The bad news is, I've not been updating. The good news is, I finished writing INTIMATE for St. Martin's Press. I won't be sending it to my editor until I get back from RWA in San Antonio--leaving tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn. It's going to be a really busy week and I doubt I'll get my newsletter sent, though may get it done when I get home next week before leaving for Charlotte, NC. At least all the travel will end at by August 10 once I'm home. At least for now...I'm also in another release, a "book bundle" with a group of authors. Five of us have put out a collection of romantic suspense for .99 (for now, at least) which includes my story, Lethal Obsession. Look for Fatal Obsession at all online retailers. This is available in ebook only.
May 29, 2014 Tangled is finished, edited and accepted by my editor (Bless you, Eileen!) and I'm back at work on INTIMATE. Big news is that DARK REFUGE is available in print from Createspace. It should be up at Amazon and other retailers in the next couple of days.
May 12, 2014 Edits are done on Tangled and I've not heard back from my editor after the final set, so hopefully all is approved. I'm back at work on Intimate, and so happy with this story. It's coming together really well, though must admit it's weird writing without Anton as my muse! I imagine he'll start bugging me before too long to write something new in the Spirit Wild series, but must finish Intimate first! And start the next one...
May 5, 2014 Heard back from my editor at SMP today--she loves the story, has a few great suggestions and I'll be working on her comments this week. That's a relief! Also heard from my editor that Dark Refuge may be ready to go sooner rather than later. Will let you know as soon as I know!
April 30, 2014 I sent my novella, TANGLED, to my new St. Martin's Press editor last night. Time to take a bit of a breather, and then I'm going back to work on INTIMATE, my first novel for SMP. TANGLED was definitely fun to write, but a huge change for me, to be writing contemporary romance rather than erotic paranormal! No shifting allowed in this one. Damn! But yes, it was fun to write and--while it's a short novella rather than a novel--I do hope readers will enjoy the story.
April 27, 2014 I'd completely forgotten about this, but I did an interview for author Loren Kleinman a couple of months ago, and ended up with a post about writing that might help a new writer starting out. The things I wished I'd known when I was getting started. If you want to take a look, it's here: http://lorenkleinman.com/2014/04/907/
April 26, 2014 I finished my novella for St. Martin's Press last night. Came in at exactly 25,200 words (was supposed to aim for 25k, so I'm damned close) and I think the story is a good one. It's got one of the more emotional endings I've written--hard to type and wipe tears when writing, but it's such a "feel good" story that I really hope the editor likes it. Now I have my copy edits for DARK REFUGE to do. I'm thrilled with Bill the Editor's comments on this newest Spirit Wild story. I rarely do this, but want to quote what he said to me because it made me smile:
"The beta reader who said this was your richest work to date was 100% right! This is a great book and definitely the best of yours that I’ve read. You set up the sexual tension and love between Gabe and Em perfectly, the book moves quickly every step of the way, and the story itself has a lot of depth. And for future reference, bringing so many characters into the story made a huge difference. It really added a lot more complexity and texture."
SO much easier to work on copy edits when you know your editor loves the story!
"The beta reader who said this was your richest work to date was 100% right! This is a great book and definitely the best of yours that I’ve read. You set up the sexual tension and love between Gabe and Em perfectly, the book moves quickly every step of the way, and the story itself has a lot of depth. And for future reference, bringing so many characters into the story made a huge difference. It really added a lot more complexity and texture."
SO much easier to work on copy edits when you know your editor loves the story!
April 19, 2014 I've been working on Tangled for the last couple of weeks and it's coming along really well. I really like my characters--Cassie Phillips is the winemaker and Nathan Dunagan the new vineyard manager. They hit it off a little too well at first, but then there's some trouble between them and they were just getting things back together when they had another problem. Now I have to figure out how to get them back together and happy before I run out of words. This is a novella that will go into an anthology with Lora Leigh and Shiloh Walker, and one other author I can't recall, so it's got to be just 25,000 words long. Sounds like a lot until you get toward the end and realize you've got more story than words! That's where it takes some tight writing to make it all work. And it will work. Honest!
April 4, 2014 I turned my completed Dark Refuge manuscript in to my editor on March 31. My beta readers liked it, and I hope you will, too. It's scheduled to release the last week in May--ebook first, and print about a week later. I took a couple of days off to catch up on the housework (not my favorite chore!) and then started work building my character profiles for the St. Martin's Press novella, working title Tangled. One thing surprised me when I was looking through pictures of good looking men, searching for my hero, is that he looks just like Bradley Cooper, only his name is now Nate Dunagan and he's a vineyard manager in the wine country. Cassie Philips is the winemaker, and it was supposed to be her winery, but her father made some bad decisions and lost it. She's still the winemaker and Nate is the new vineyard manager, and it appears they don't agree on much of anything. But, since the chemistry is already off the charts, I'm anxious to see where this leads me--and them!.
March 21, 2014 Dark Refuge is coming along really well, considering what a crazy month this has been. I've sold a three book contemporary romance series set here in the Sonoma Co. wine country to St. Martin's Press. I'm thrilled to be writing for SMP--they're a fantastic publisher and a lot of my friends are there! Then, once I'd gotten past the "ohmygawd-flipflops of joy" bit and back into writing DR so I could finish it on deadline, St. Martin's asked for a novella, and they need it by May 26. I did a bit of frantic brainstorming with my agent, Jessica Faust, president of BookEnds Literary Agency, who is full of good ideas and quite good at shooting down my bad ones. We've got a plot idea I love, and I can't wait to get started. Of course, if you're a long-time reader of mine, you're probably aware that any pre-book plotting is merely a suggestion when I actually start writing. Once the characters take over, I gratefully hand over the plot to them.
March 3, 2014 So, what I'm working on right now is the next book in my Spirit Wild series. This one is called Dark Refuge, and as with most of my books, it's slow going in the beginning. Once I get tuned in to my characters, the writing always picks up speed. This is Gabe Cheval's story, and he's gone to San Francisco to help out Oliver and Mei's daughter, Emeline. She's found a woman she believes might be Chanku, a prostitute working not far from Cheval Global Industries where Em is headquartered. Sissy is not working the streets by choice--she and five other women are being held by a group that has enslaved them by always holding one of the women hostage. If the others don't return, that woman will be killed. Somehow, Gabe and Emeline have to free all six of the women and get them to safety, but there's more going on. I'm still not sure what, but I think it has to do with Em's past, and a secret she's not really aware of. More to come...