I realize I usually toss entries without the address, but in this case I neglected to ask for said address, so I'm being a bit more forgiving this time--since I definitely screwed up! The thing is, it's been a while since I've done a contest, and I was out of practice...that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
I hope to have these in tomorrow's mail, so please, if I've asked for an address from you, send it as soon as you can.
Today was tough...I ended up donating 8 boxes of books to the local library and the attached used book store, some of them books I've had for years, but there just wasn't any way I could fit all of them into my new office. It's much smaller, not as much room for shelves, but it's always hard to part with books. Of course, I continue to buy more, so it's not like I'm doing without, but a lot of them were old favorites that I'll miss just seeing on my shelves. I'm also going to be giving away a lot of my older copies of books I've written, as I can only keep just so many of those! Watch for more contests in the future.
Happy holidays to all of you, and my very best wishes for a wonderful new year. I hope you stay safe and healthy, and don't forget to find some quiet time to read. Holidays can be so hectic, so it's even more important to steal a bit of time away from all the chaos to recharge and refresh. What better way than a quiet corner and a good book!
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!