So Michelle, Debby, Kerry, Denise, Melinda, Mary, and Charles will be receiving signed copies of the books they requested, and in the case of those who said they'd take any of the books, I tried to pick out a good one!
One thing I forgot to mention in my newsletter is that I've posted a lot of my Critter Cam videos on my website for those who don't belong to Facebook...and yes, I do have quite a few readers who aren't active on Facebook, and sometimes I wish I could join them. But if you go to the menu at the top of the page and click on CRITTERCAM1, (or the link in the word!) it will take you to two pages (so far) of videos of the critters wandering around our new digs.
I've got my pre-op appointment for cataract surgery this Thursday, and the operation will be next week. I'm really anxious to get this over with so I can get back to work. My vision is getting worse by the day, and everyone I've talked to who has had the surgery says it really is amazing how much better the world looks!
On a personal note, I lost my older brother this past week. He's been living with cancer for the past year and a half, and has packed so much into the time he and his wife had left together. He was an athlete to the end, an avid runner, hiker, and fisherman. When I was little he was my big brother and I adored him. When I got into high school, my teachers all held me up to his impossible standards, and I didn't like him nearly as much, but then when he graduated from Kings Point Academy while I was in high school and left the keys to his MG Midget with me when he went to sea, he was absolutely the all-time favorite brother once again.
He was a wonderful brother, husband, father, grandfather and uncle, and I will miss his funny texts, his beautiful photos of wildflowers and mushrooms, and the many fish he caught and released, the record of all the things he saw on his many hikes in the beautiful mountains around Portland, OR. I miss just knowing he was there, a link to a past growing farther away every day.
I hope to get the books mailed out tomorrow, but I lost the entire day today with other things that needed doing, so I will do my best, but it may be Thursday before they go out.
Thanks to all of you who entered, and a reminder that when I have a contest entry without an address when I specifically request one, I will delete it. I had a few of those this time, and while I used to let it slide, I really can't anymore, not if I want to get my work done. It's too time consuming to chase you down.
Take care, I hope the weather isn't wearing you down, and creating more problems than it should. Here in California, our snowpack is something like 150% of normal so far this year--the snow at our place finally melted after keeping essentially snowbound for the past couple weeks. Thank goodness we have really nice neighbors who let us park our cars across the road from our driveway, which was blocked until yesterday afternoon.
Spring is coming...the frogs are singing out in the pond and we had fourteen mallard ducks--seven pairs--going through all the courtship rituals that ducks do at this time of year, and that tells me we're in for a change in spite of the snow!
Watch for flowers. They're out there somewhere!
That's a photo Doug took of Georgetown in the snow one morning before I was even out of bed! It still looks much like it did during the gold rush, I imagine....without the cars!