I know, this picture has nothing whatsoever to do with writing, but it makes me laugh every time I see it. These are two of our daughter's babies: Gigi the wonder dog and Grayson the crazy cat have something in common this week, and they're sharing their misery--they both got haircuts. Burrs and stickers were too deeply imbedded in knots in their long fuzzy hair to brush them out, and the annual spring clip happened in spite of their lack of approval. Neither one of them is at ALL happy about this fact. They're both mad at the world (note the kitty glare and the dog studiously avoiding eye contact) and currently not speaking to anyone they think might be involved in this humiliating turn of events. They don't particularly like each other, but the persecuted do tend to band together. They are a couple of my grandcritters, as opposed to grandkids, so this is me flipping out pictures of the grands.
We will now move on to our regularly planned newsletter...
That whooshing noise you hear is me taking a very deep breath. Dark Terror is up for sale, the print editions look beautiful, though I must admit I'm more impressed with the Amazon copies than those at B&N. They're thicker and have a bit more of a quality book feel to them, though the covers for both are identical. I guess it has something to do with the weight of the paper, but in any case, both look good and I'm thrilled to be able to offer the book in print. Quality like this in a print on demand book was unheard of just a few short years ago, and it makes it so nice for those of us who want to self-publish a series discontinued by the publisher and still be able to provide our readers with print books.
Another reason I'm relaxing is that Wolf Tales 10 is with my editor, Wolf Tales 11 is with my beta readers, and Wolf Tales 12 is just waiting for the betas to have time to look it over. No changes to the stories, but I want them to catch typos. When we get our rights returned, we get the unedited copies we originally submitted. In my case, there were no editorial changes made beyond the copy edits, which were for typos and grammar errors, so that's what I've got my crew looking for. We have their release schedule--Wolf Tales 10 will be out in August, Wolf Tales 11 in October, and Wolf Tales 12 in January 2018. If you've never read them or have forgotten what the stories are about, the titles are linked to their pages on my site. Covers will be different, but the stories will remain the same. If you haven't read 12, and if you're enjoying the Spirit Wild series, I think you'll really get a lot out of that final book in Wolf Tales.
I'm working on my website at the moment, trying to get a single page up with links to all my books. There are a lot of books! Then I want to work on the Dream Catchers series and get those back up for sale. That poor series came out during the Borders crash and sales were horrible. I still think it's one of the best series I've ever written, so I'm anxious to get the books up for readers to take a look. Imagine SF/erotic romance with creatures who exist as energy but can take human form...here's the blurb for Dream Bound, the first novel in the series:
They are creatures of light in search of an energy source to help them survive. So when the Nyrians discover amazing power in the extreme passion and sexual pleasure of humans, they come to Earth to satisfy their needs. . .
Dream Lover
For years, Mac Dugan has been trying to find the mysterious being he once loved and then lost. Now he has gathered a group of six highly intuitive and extremely sexual men and women at a secret mountain hideaway. Here he hopes to focus their potent sensuality into highly erotic fantasies that will summon his lover, Zianne. What he doesn't anticipate is each team member making extraordinary sexual discoveries of their own. . .
I'm posting a URL link here to the Dream Catchers pages--the only way for you to find them is via this link. The pages do not show in navigation, but you can access the novella excerpt with the link and both novel excerpts with the links at the bottom of the pages, in case you're curious about the stories. The info is all out of date, regarding the buy links and such, but the excerpts will give you a feel for the books.
There's a novella that introduces the series called Dream Catcher, and I want to get that out first, but I promise to keep you up on the details. I'm so excited to get to work on putting these books back up! And, I'm working on characters for the next in the Spirit Wild series. I have a title--DARK CAPTIVE. More when I know it.

And on that note, this puppy's gotta head to bed. I've been working on my website all day long and my brains are fried! I hope you've had a chance to read Dark Terror, and if you did and have the time, I would really appreciate a review on Goodreads or Amazon or wherever you got it. This writing biz is getting SO competitive! And if you review for a site, please let me know so I can post something on my website.
In the meantime, I hope it's finally decent weather where you live (it's turned cold and blustery here, but we're hoping for warm weather asap!) and that you've got some time to kick back and read a good book. I haven't had as much time as I'd like, though I have been working my way through the Quantum Series by Marie Force writing as M.S. Force, and damn but these books are hot--and so well done! Love the stories--romances with some BDSM, but it's moe about the story than the "lifestyle." Really, really good books! The first one, Virtuous, is free, but it'll probably get you hooked. Badly!