Self indulgent Author Pic here, but this is where I'd rather be right now. That's me a few weeks ago at around 4:00 a.m, lying on my back on a picnic bench at Lava Beds National Monument, stargazing. Why, you might ask? Well, because my husband really wanted photos of the stars, but the almost full moon didn't set until around 3:00 a.m. And honestly? It was worth every frozen toe to lie out there beneath starlight and just stare at the heavens. |
Which means it's a really spectacular time to discuss romances. Remember those happy endings? Can we say Kate's done a lot of reading the past couple of weeks? It was the only way to stay sane. Well, that and Doug's totally warped sense of humor. Times like this I am so thankful for the husband who's been beside me now for 46 years. We first got together in October 1971, and it's scary when I think how quickly those years have gone by, but even when things were awful, when we were under an evacuation advisory for over a week, he kept me laughing.
Of course, some of that was him laughing AT me, not with me. Like after we'd packed the car and the motorhome in order to make a quick getaway should an emergency evac be ordered...we went to bed, but neither of us slept all that well, not knowing if we were going to have to leave in the middle of the night. The next morning, we were still here, got up, had coffee, and I decided to get dressed. Only I'd packed ALL my underwear in the "get out of town quick" bags and stashed them in our car. Only I had no idea which bag, so I was out there in my jammies, freezing my ever-lovin' ass off, digging through the frickin' bags at O-dark hundred until I finally found the panty bag. Except the socks were somewhere else. Trust me, the morning didn't get any better.
So, on to better things. Obviously I didn't get a lot of writing done over the past couple of weeks, though enough that Dark Captive is well over half done and moving along faster now that I'm that far along. It's scheduled for an April release. The one that went up for preorder today is Wolf Tales 11, now re-releasing under the upgraded title of WOLF TALES 11 ANTON.

We sent Dar a couple of photos of models that were as close as I could get to the real Anton, and she's pretty damned close. She also did the cover for my other books through Beyond the Page, my agent's assisted self-publishing company that is doing all my Spirit Wild series, among others.
I know a lot of you have read Wolf Tales 11--this one was one of my favorites because I wrote it while Barack Obama was running for president, and I had just realized that his wife Michelle was a ringer for Anton's mate, Keisha Rialto.
In this story, the Chanku are taxed with saving the life of the president and first lady, but the price Anton pays is far beyond what he'd imagined. I found myself rereading the story with a definite sense of nostalgia for the real life president who no longer holds that office.
WOLF TALES 11 ANTON, will be at the presale price of $2.99 until its release on November 6, 2017. On release day, it goes up to $3.99.
If you want to preorder the book, use the links here as I still need to add them to the books page. I'll announce winners later this week, and I'm going to add some of the books I've been reading when I announce the winners, as I really need to get this up asap.
I hope you're all well, that you haven't been dealing with any huge crisis this past month, though I imagine a large number of you have seen the opposite of wildfires, though every bit as damaging considering all the hurricanes and tropical storms. Please be safe, and if you have the time, find a quiet corner and read a good book. It's the best therapy going. I speak from experience!